Que. What measures were initiated by the Sultans for the consolidation of the Delhi Sultanate? Discuss.

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

Que. What measures were initiated by the Sultans for the consolidation of the Delhi Sultanate? Discuss. दिल्ली सल्तनत के सुदृढ़ीकरण के लिए सुल्तानों ने किन-किन उपायों की पहल की थी? … Read More

Que. To what extent was the Caliphate the source and sanction to the legal authority of the Sultans of Delhi?

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

Que. To what extent was the Caliphate the source and sanction to the legal authority of the Sultans of Delhi? खिलाफत किस सीमा तक दिल्ली के सुल्तानों के विधिक प्राधिकार … Read More

Que. Much of the political instability after the death of Iltutmish was the doing of the Chahalgan. Elucidate.

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

Que. Much of the political instability after the death of Iltutmish was the doing of the Chahalgan. Elucidate. इल्तुतमिश की मृत्यु के उपरान्त अधिकांश राजनैतिक अस्थिरता चहलगान की करतूत का … Read More

Que. Why did Balban prefer ‘consolidation’ over ‘expansion’ of the Delhi Sultanate?

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

Que. Why did Balban prefer ‘consolidation’ over ‘expansion’ of the Delhi Sultanate? बलबन ने दिल्ली सल्तनत के लिए ‘विस्तारित करने’ के स्थान पर ‘समेकित करने’ की नीति क्यों चुनी थी? … Read More

Indus Valley Civilization [Topic Wise UPSC Mains PYQs]

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

Indus Valley Civilization [Topic Wise UPSC Mains PYQs] (1) सिंधु-सरस्वती सांस्कृतिक क्षेत्र में एकरूपता और विविधता दोनों ही प्रदर्शित होती हैं। विवेचना कीजिए।  The Indus-Saraswati cultural zone exhibited both homogeneity … Read More

Pre-history and Proto-history [Topic Wise UPSC Mains PYQs]

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

Pre-history and Proto-history [Topic Wise UPSC Mains PYQs] (1) “नवपाषाण युग में हुए महत्त्वपूर्ण परिवर्तनों के कारण यह युग एक क्रांति का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।” परीक्षण कीजिए।  “The Neolithic Age … Read More

History Optional DAW Batch for UPSC CSE 2025 | Day-36

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

History Optional DAW Batch for UPSC CSE 2025 (Day-36) Subject: History of Medieval India Topic: The 13th Century प्रश्न 1. क्या आप सुल्तान इल्तुतमिश को दिल्ली सल्तनत का वास्तविक संस्थापक मानते … Read More

History Optional DAW Batch for UPSC CSE 2025 | Day-22

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

History Optional DAW Batch for UPSC CSE 2025 (Day-22) Subject: History of Ancient India Topic: Post-Mauryan Period प्रश्न 1. मौर्योत्तरकालीन कला पर बाह्य प्रभावों एवं देशज विकास के महत्त्व का विश्लेषण … Read More

Que. A number of scholars considered Alexander as ‘The Great’, although long term impacts of Alexander’s invasion on India need to be re-evaluated. Comment.

Que. A number of scholars considered Alexander as ‘The Great’, although long term impacts of Alexander’s invasion on India need to be re-evaluated. Comment. प्रश्न: यद्यपि भारत पर सिकन्दर के … Read More

Que. How would you characterize the nature of the Mauryan state on the basis of Kautilya’s Arthashastra?

Que. How would you characterize the nature of the Mauryan state on the basis of Kautilya’s Arthashastra? प्रश्न: कौटिल्य के अर्थशास्त्र के आधार पर आप मौर्य राज्य के स्वरूप का … Read More

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