Que. Puranas were the innovative genre of literature to popularise and revive Vedic religion. Elaborate with examples.

Que. Puranas were the innovative genre of literature to popularise and revive Vedic religion. Elaborate with examples. प्रश्न: वैदिक धर्म को पुनर्जीवित और लोकप्रिय बनाने में पुराण नवप्रवर्तनकारी साहित्यिक शैली … Read More

Que. Do you consider that the Upanishadic principles embody the high point of Vedic religious thought? Comment. 

Que. Do you consider that the Upanishadic principles embody the high point of Vedic religious thought? Comment.  प्रश्न: क्या आप मानते हैं कि उपनिषदीय सिद्धांत वैदिक धार्मिक विचारों की उच्च … Read More

Que. There are no literary sources for the Harappan culture and no archaeological evidence for the Vedic period. Explain the phenomenon.

Que. There are no literary sources for the Harappan culture and no archaeological evidence for the Vedic period. Explain the phenomenon.  प्रश्न: हड़प्पा संस्कृति के लिए कोई साहित्यिक स्रोत नहीं … Read More

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