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History of Ancient India : UPSC Previous Years Solved Papers

The study of ancient India, as examined through UPSC previous years solved papers, offers a comprehensive overview of the country’s illustrious past. Spanning from the ancient Indus Valley Civilization to the Gupta period, this historical narrative encompasses a rich tapestry of socio-cultural, political, and economic developments. From the sophisticated urban planning of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro to the profound philosophical insights of ancient Indian thinkers like the Buddha and Mahavira, the history of ancient India is marked by remarkable achievements and enduring legacies. Through the lens of UPSC solved papers, we gain insights into the diverse civilizations and vibrant cultures that flourished on the Indian subcontinent millennia ago.

(1) Sources of Ancient Indian History

Q1. Evaluate the ownership of land in ancient India on the basis of literary and epigraphic sources. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q2. On the basis of contemporary sources assess the nature of banking and usuary in ancient India. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q3. “While using the accounts of foreign writers, historians must distinguish between statements based on hearsay and those grounded in perceptive observations.” Elaborate with examples. [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q4. How far can the ancient Indian Sruti literature be used as historical sources? [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q5. Art and culture are reflected to a far greater extent than political history in the epigraphic sources. Comment. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q6. How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in ltihasa-purana, emerge? What are the distinctive features of this genre? [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q7. Do you agree that archaeological evidence often helps in the better understanding of literary sources? Comment. [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q8. Foreign accounts as a source of ancient Indian history may have some advantages but also have a few shortcomings. Citing appropriate examples, examine the statement. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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(2) Pre-history and Proto-history

Q1. In the absence of a written script Chalcolithic pottery gives us a fascinating insight into the culture and lifestyles of the people of those times. Comment critically. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q2. Delineate and account for the regional characteristics of the Neolithic period in India. [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q3. The emergence of Non-Harappan Chalcolithic cultures in Central India and the Deccan mark a change not only in the subsistence pattern of people but an overall transition from pre to proto-historic period. Critically analyze. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q4. “The Neolithic Age represents a revolution due to significant changes that took place during this period. Examine. [UPSC CSE-2023]

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Q5. Prehistoric rock art while showing an aesthetic sense throws light on contemporary socio-cultural practices. Elaborate. [Practice Question]

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Q6. Examine various theories related to the transition of humanity from hunters/food gatherers to agrarian community. [Practice Question]

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(3) Indus Valley Civilization

Q1. Discuss the water management and its conservation planning in the Harappan (Indus-Saraswati) cities. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q2. Do you think the Harappan civilization had a diversity of subsistence bases? [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q3. The decline of Harappan civilization was caused by ecological degradation rather than external invasion. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q4. Explain why the majority of the known Harappan settlements are located in the semi-arid areas with saline groundwater. [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q5. Critically examine various views regarding the Vedic-Harappan relationship in light of the latest discoveries. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q6. “Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible social and political dimensions of the decline of the Harappan civilization. What it does indicate very clearly is that the Harappan culture underwent a gradual process of de-urbanization”? Comment. [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q7. Did the mastery over agriculture act as a leverage for the rise of Harappan towns and cities? Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q8. Do you agree that ecological factors influenced the flow and ebb of the Harappan Civilization? Comment. [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q9. The urban character of the Harappan Civilization was a result neither of any outside influence nor a sudden act but a gradual evolution of regional socio-economic factors. Comment. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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Q10. The Indus-Saraswati cultural zone exhibited both homogeneity and diversity. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2023]

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Q11. Highlight the development of craft and industry during Harappan civilization. [Practice Question]

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(4) Megalithic Cultures

Q1. In what ways can the megalithic culture be considered a foundational phase of the history of peninsular India? [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q2. Will it be proper to consider the megaliths to represent a single, homogeneous or contemporaneous culture? What kind of material life and cultural system is revealed in megalithic cultures? [UPSC CSE-2021]

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(5) Aryans and Vedic Period

Q1. Evaluate various views regarding human settlements as gleaned from the Vedic sources. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q2. Evaluate the contribution of the Puranas in disseminating secular knowledge among the masses in ancient India. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q3. “The Varna concept may always have been largely a theoretical model and never an actual description of society.” Comment in the context of Ancient India. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q4. “The Upanishadic principles embody the epitome of the Vedic thought.” Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q5. “Archaeology knows of no Aryans; only literature knows of Aryans.” Examine critically. [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q6. “The copious references to the preservation of the Varnashrama system by the kings eulogized in inscriptions are mere reflection of the Smriti tradition.” Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q7. In what way was the egalitarian character of the early Vedic society changed during the later Vedic period? [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q8. Examine how the transformation of the Varna system from the Rigvedic to the Later-Vedic period affected the position of women. [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q9. There are no literary sources for the Harappan culture and no archaeological evidence for the Vedic period. Explain the phenomenon. [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q10. Puranas were the innovative genre of literature to popularise and revive Vedic religion. Elaborate with examples. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q11. Throw light on the nature of religion and classification of gods mentioned in the Rigveda. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q12. Do you consider that the Upanishadic principles embody the high point of Vedic religious thought? Comment. [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q13. How do the comparative study of languages, archaeological sources and vast corpus of Vedic literature helps to determine the Aryan problem in Indian history. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2023]

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Q14. Discuss the factors that played an important role in the process of urbanization after the Later-Vedic period. [Practice Question]

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(6) Period of Mahajanapadas

Q1. Buddha’s teachings to a large extent could be helpful in understanding and resolving the problems of today’s society. Analyze critically. [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q2. How far is it correct to say that changes in the post-Vedic economy gave birth to new religious movements in India? [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q3. Examine the relationship among economic growth, urbanization and State formation from c. 7th century BCE to 3rd century BCE. [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q4. Buddhism and Jainism were social movements under the umbrella of religion. Comment. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q5. Give an account of gana-sanghas (non-monarchical state systems)? Why did they decline? [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q6. The concept Of Shramanic religions, with particular reference to Buddhism, had their roots in Upanishadic ideas. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q7. Discuss the factors that played an important role in the process of urbanisation after the Later-Vedic period. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q8. A number of scholars considered Alexander as ‘The Great’, although long term impacts of Alexander’s invasion on India need to be re-evaluated. Comment. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q9. “The political and economic needs of rulers, combined with economic and status needs of the merchant class, together provided the receptive cultural milieu in which Buddhism flourished.” Comment. [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q10. Though some of the ideas of Buddhism may have had their origin in Vedic-Upanishadic traditions but it was an altogether new religion with its own specific principles and institutions. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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Q11. Describe Gana-Sanghas (non-monarchical state systems). Why did they decline? [Practice Question]

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(7) Mauryan Period

Q1. Social norms for women in the Dharmasastra and Arthasastra tradition were framed in according to the Varnashrama tradition. Evaluate critically. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q2. Discuss different interpretations of historians about the nature of Asoka’s ‘Dhamma’. Did his principle of ‘Dhamma-vijaya’ render the Mauryan Empire militaristically weak? [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q3. Delineate the nature and impact of India’s contact with Western Asia and the Mediterranean world during the Mauryan period. [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q4. “The concept of Ashoka’s Dhamma as found through his inscriptions had its roots in Vedic-Upanishadic literature.” Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q5. Do you agree with the popular View that Mauryas established a unitary and highly centralized if not monolithic state system? [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q6. The development of art and architecture during the Sunga period belies the belief that they were anti-Buddhist. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q7. Explain how Ashoka used religion as a tool of political aggrandizement? [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q8. How would you characterize the nature of Mauryan state on the basis of Kautilya’s Arthashastra? [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q9. Ashoka’s Dhamma was propagated not just for moral upliftment and social harmony but also for the extension of the state’s authority. Analyse the statement. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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Q10. Analyze the contours of imperial ideology as exhibited during the Mauryan period. [UPSC CSE-2023]

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(8) Post-Mauryan Period

Q1. Explain as to how the early Buddhist Stupa art, while using folk motifs and narratives and common cultural symbols, succeeded in transforming these themes for expounding the Buddhist ideals. [UPSC CSE-2013]

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Q2. Review critically the evolution of different schools of art in the Indian subcontinent between the second century BCE and the third century CE and evaluate the socio-religious factors responsible for it. [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q3. Trace the role of guilds and trade organizations in the development of early Indian economy. [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q4. “Not only does ancient Tamil literature furnish an accurate picture of widely disparate classes; it also describes the social condition of Tamil country as it was.” Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q5. How does the numismatic evidence of the period reflect the political and economic outlook of the Kushanas and the Satavahanas? [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q6. “The changes in the field of art from the Kushana period to the early medieval period are mere reflection of changing outlook.” Comment. [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q7. The period of Indian History from 3rd century B.C.E. to 5th century C.E. was a period of innovation and interaction. How will you react? [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q8. The accurate picture of the complex socio-cultural milieu of Peninsular India is presented in the early Sangam literature. Delineate. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q9. What was the impact of trans-regional and trans-continental trade in the post-Mauryan period on social and cultural life of India? [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q10. “Utpanna dravide bhakthi, Karnate vriddhimagata. Sthita kinchit maharashtre gurjare jirnatam gata.” (Padmapurana) Account for the emergence of bhakti in Dravida desa. [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q11. The flourishing international trade during the Kushana period gave fremendous impetus to the development of art. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q12. The discovery of monsoons by Hippalus gave a new direction to Indo-Roman trade during the Satavahana period. Comment. [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q13. Evaluate the significant political features of the Post Mauryan Northern India. What are the main sources of it? [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q14. Discuss the salient features of cultural traditions of South India as reflected in Sangam Literature. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q15. Analyze the significance of external influences and indigenous development on post-Mauryan art. [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q16. How far the Sangam literature acts as a window into the social and cultural traditions of ancient South India? [UPSC CSE-2023]

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(9) Gupta Period

Q1. Discuss the provincial and district administrative units of the Gupta Empire with the designations and functions of the officers. [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q2. What were the privileges granted to the donees in land-grant charters of early India? How far were these charters responsible for integration or disintegration in the socio-political milieu? [UPSC CSE-2014]

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Q3. How could the local self-government under the Cholas adjust with their centralized administration structure? [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q4. Kailasa Temple built at Ellora marks the culmination of rock-cut architecture in India. Elucidate. [UPSC CSE-2015]

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Q5. How did the temples of South India, as financial institutions, have a deep impact on the social institutions of the early medieval period? Critically examine. [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q6. The second urbanization gave rise to the organized corporate activities that reached their zenith during the Gupta period. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q7. Trace the origin and development of temple architecture in India with reference to regional styles and variations. [UPSC CSE-2017]

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Q8. “Doubtless it was not a free state; it was any rate a state” (K. A. N. Sastri). Reflect upon the nature of local self-government institutions in the Chola country. [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q9. Discuss the experimentations with art and architecture during the Gupta-Vakataka period. [UPSC CSE-2018]

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Q10. Do you agree that the system of land grants from the Gupta-Vakataka period was connected with the decentralisation of state in any way? [UPSC CSE-2019]

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Q11. “Sanskrit literature of classical Gupta Age set standards for the early medieval India.” Evaluate the statement with representative examples. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q12. Describe the evolution and development of regional temple architecture of South India with special reference to Pallavas. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q13. How did the Varnashrama Dharma manifest the increasing social complexities in the Gupta and post-Gupta period arising from social and economic developments? [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q14. Large number of land grants in hitherto non-arable tracts invariably meant expansion of agriculture in early medieval India. How did the management of hydraulic resources (different types of irrigation works) facilitate expansion of agriculture in this period? [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q15. Discuss the relationship between emergence of literature in vernacular languages and formation of regional identities in early medieval India. [UPSC CSE-2021]

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Q16. The economic achievements of the Guptas were the culmination of a process which began during the Kushanas. Comment. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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Q17. Evaluate the importance of tripartite struggle for the domination over North India during the eighth and ninth centuries. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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Q18. Throw light on the chief characteristics of Tamil Bhakti Movement during the early medieval period. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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Q19. Evaluate the status of women in the Gupta period as compared to the pre–Gupta era. [UPSC CSE-2023]

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Q20. Analyze the tenets, spread and impact of the Bhakti Movement. [UPSC CSE-2023]

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Q21. How far temple architecture under the Cholas became more refined and grandiose as compared to the early South Indian temple architect are style? [UPSC CSE-2023]

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Q22. Is it correct to say that the post-Gupta period was remarkable for expansion of religious cults in India? [UPSC CSE-2023]

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(10) Post-Gupta Period

Q1. Critically evaluate the theory and practice of land revenue system in ancient India. [UPSC CSE-2016]

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Q2. Trace and identify the changing pattern of Tantrism in Ancient India with examples. [UPSC CSE-2020]

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Q3. With the help of representative examples, delineate the main differences between the Nagara and Dravida styles of temple architectures. [UPSC CSE-2022] 

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Q4. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini is the best example of history writing tradition in early lndia. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2022]

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Hello friends, I am Rajendra Kumar Mohwiya, a graduate in Bachelor of Arts from Delhi University, specializing in History. 'www.historyoptional.in' is an initiative started by me as a guide for students preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination, showcasing a wide range of courses designed to enhance their historical understanding and analytical skills.

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