How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in ltihasa-purana, emerge? What are the distinctive features of this genre?

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Sources of Ancient Indian History:

Que. How did the early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in ltihasa-purana, emerge? What are the distinctive features of this genre? [UPSC CSE-2018]


(1) Explain briefly the Itihasa-Purana.

(2) Mention the features of the ancient Indian Historical traditions.

(3) Mention the distinctive features of the Itihasa-Purana genre.

(4) Conclude on balanced footing.


The early Indian historical tradition, as reflected in the Itihasa-Purana, can be dated as far back as the Vedic age, when the need to memorize and repeat Vedic sacrificial formulae led to development of an oral historical tradition (Shruti Literature).

This traditional method underwent various changes due to iterations, additions and modifications in later periods with the advent and rise of Sramanic religions (Buddhism, Jainism), which added to them Buddhist pitakas and the Jain agamas as well as various upanishads.

The changes brought about by the Shramanic religions were not only in the way History was compiled, but it also brought with it criticism of tradition and introspection of society and religion. Also from this time there started a secular description of events and occurrences in the itihasa-purana tradition.

Features of the ancient Indian Historical traditions:

(1) Embedded History: The prevalence of what Romila Thapar has called Embedded History, which means that history is not overtly written into the itihasa Puranas but is embedded into it and has to be prised out/ extracted or mined.

(2) A fusion of mythology and history: Almost all the literature of this genre is a fusion of mythology and history, lineages, places and events, which must be screened and investigated into before totally relying upon them.

(3) A fantastic fantasy: As the subject of most of these texts is not purely history, but is instead closely related with religion and ritual, one can find a depiction of fantasy woven into these texts.

(4) Gender Biased: History of this period is inclined towards the male element of society and has no space for female protagonists, if any. Females have been depicted more as liabilities than assets like males.

(5) Addition and intermixture: The early centuries CE saw the addition of newer texts to the Itihasa Purana pantheon, including the written versions of the Ramayana and Mahabharata as well as the emergence of texts from other parts of India being absorbed and included into the itihasa puranas.

(6) Cultural and other information: These texts have details about expansions of culture, society, ethics and metaphysics like the Upanishads and the various Puranas.

Distinctive Features of the Itihasa-Purana Genre:


(1) Historical Epics: “Itihasa” translates to “history” or “thus it happened.” This genre comprises two primary epic narratives: The Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

(2) Historical Basis: Itihasa texts are rooted in historical events and real or semi-historical figures. For instance, the Ramayana narrates the life of Lord Rama, while the Mahabharata tells the story of the Kurukshetra War.

(3) Moral and Ethical Teachings: These texts not only provide historical accounts but also serve as sources of moral and ethical guidance. They explore complex ethical dilemmas and present philosophical discourses.

(4) Integration of Mythology: While grounded in history, Itihasa texts also incorporate mythological and divine elements, creating a blending of history and mythology.


(1) Mythological and Cosmological Texts: The term “Purana” means “ancient” or “old.” Puranas constitute a diverse group of texts that offer mythological narratives, cosmological descriptions, and religious teachings.

(2) Historical Narratives: Many Puranas include historical accounts, genealogies of rulers, and descriptions of dynasties. They serve as historical reference works.

(3) Religious and Philosophical Content: Puranas are replete with religious and philosophical teachings, including stories of gods and goddesses, creation myths, and explanations of rituals and ceremonies.

(4) Cultural and Social Insights: Puranas provide insights into ancient Indian culture, society, and religious practices, making them valuable sources for understanding the historical context.


According to the historian Upinder Singh, these texts were written by a small segment of people within a narrow cultural context to service their needs and maintain their dominance. In this regard, these cannot be taken as ‘Normative Texts’ but should instead be taken as one’s which portray an ideal situation of the life of the time.

However, the Itihasa-Puranas are the basis of historical record keeping in India and remain essential to the development of later historical texts and are the foundation of historical analysis of the time, provided that their authenticity is testified and substantiated with other archeological evidence of the time.

Hello friends, I am Rajendra Kumar Mohwiya, a graduate in Bachelor of Arts from Delhi University, specializing in History. '' is an initiative started by me as a guide for students preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination, showcasing a wide range of courses designed to enhance their historical understanding and analytical skills.

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