How would you characterize the nature of the Mauryan State on the basis of Kautilaya’s Arthashastra?

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Mauryan Empire:

Que. How would you characterize the nature of the Mauryan State on the basis of Kautilaya’s Arthashastra? [UPSC CSE-2021]


(1) Introduction: Explain Kautilya’s “Arthashastra”.

(2) Mention the nature of the Mauryan State on the basis of Kautilaya’s Arthashastra.

(3) Conclude by stating the features of the Mauryan State.


Kautilya’s “Arthashastra” is an ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, politics, economics, and military strategy attributed to the scholar Kautilya (also known as Chanakya). It provides valuable insights into the nature of the Mauryan state during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya and his successors. Based on the principles outlined in the Arthashastra, we can characterize the nature of the Mauryan state in the following ways.

Nature of the Mauryan State on the basis of Kautilaya’s Arthashastra:

(1) Political Nature:

Centralized Authority: The Mauryan state, as described in the Arthashastra, was characterized by a strong and centralized authority. The king, with the support of a well-organized bureaucracy, held immense power and control over the administration of the empire. Decisions on taxation, law enforcement, and governance were made at the center, ensuring the king’s authority extended throughout the vast territory. 

(2) Social Organization: 

Varna System: The Mauryan state adhered to the Varna system, a hierarchical social structure, as described in the Arthashastra. This system divided society into four main varnas: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras, each with specific roles and responsibilities.

Slavery: It was prevalent and arthashastra mentioned 9 types of slaves. They were allowed to buy and sell property and wrong behavior towards slaves was punishable.

Forms of Marriages: Arthashastra mentions 8 forms of marriage, both anuloma and pratiloma marriages. Gotra exogamy and caste endogamy was practiced.

Status of Women: It was both good and bad. Royal women enjoyed high status while ordinary women had no liberation. Child marriage was absent while widow remarriage was practiced.

(3) Economic Policies: 

Agriculture and Allied Activities: Agriculture was the mainstay of the economy. According to arthashastra, peasants were encouraged to bring more land under plough by giving concessions. Seeds and implements were distributed during an emergency. State was concerned about the development of animal wealth and milch cattle were not allowed to slaughter.

Taxation: The Arthashastra outlines principles for taxation, with various types of taxes imposed on agricultural and commercial activities. The state aimed to generate revenue while ensuring the economic well-being of its subjects.

(4) Bureaucracy and Administration:

(Well-Organized Bureaucracy: The Mauryan state had a well-organized bureaucracy, with various ministries and officials responsible for different administrative functions. The Arthashastra provides guidelines for efficient administration, including record-keeping, law enforcement, and disaster management.

(5) Military Strength: 

Military Organization: The Mauryan state maintained a formidable military, organized into infantry, cavalry, and elephant corps. The Arthashastra discusses military strategies, fortifications, and intelligence-gathering techniques.

Military Expansion: Chandragupta Maurya, following the advice of Kautilya, expanded the empire through military conquests and diplomacy. The state’s military strength was instrumental in maintaining territorial integrity.

(6) Legal System:

Legal Framework: The Arthashastra outlines principles of law and justice, emphasizing the importance of a well-functioning legal system. Courts and judges were established to resolve disputes and ensure justice.

(7) Foreign Policy:

Realpolitik Approach: The Mauryan state pursued a pragmatic foreign policy based on realpolitik principles. It engaged in alliances, espionage, and diplomacy to safeguard its interests.

(8) Economic Prosperity:

Trade and Commerce: The Mauryan state promoted trade through the construction of roads and support for merchants. The Arthashastra discusses trade regulations, tariffs, and measures to stimulate economic growth.

(9) Social Welfare:

Public Infrastructure: The state invested in public infrastructure, including irrigation systems, roads, and rest houses for travelers. This contributed to the well-being of its subjects.

(10) Religious Tolerance:

Religious Freedom: The Mauryan state, under Ashoka’s reign, adopted a policy of religious tolerance and promoted the coexistence of different faiths. This approach aimed to ensure social harmony.

(11) Education and Culture:

Education: The Arthashastra highlights the importance of education, including training in various skills and professions. Education was seen as essential for the well-rounded development of citizens.

(12) Spycraft and Intelligence:

Espionage: The Arthashastra places significant emphasis on intelligence gathering and espionage. A network of spies and informants helped the state monitor internal and external threats.


The Mauryan state, as characterized by the principles outlined in Kautilya’s Arthashastra, was marked by centralized authority, efficient administration, military prowess, economic prosperity, and a commitment to social order and justice. The text provides a comprehensive guide to governance, reflecting the complex and organized nature of the Mauryan Empire under Chandragupta Maurya and his successors.

Hello friends, I am Rajendra Kumar Mohwiya, a graduate in Bachelor of Arts from Delhi University, specializing in History. '' is an initiative started by me as a guide for students preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination, showcasing a wide range of courses designed to enhance their historical understanding and analytical skills.

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