Large number of land grants in hitherto non-arable tracts invariably meant expansion of agriculture in early medieval India. How did the management of hydraulic resources (different types of irrigation works) facilitate expansion of agriculture in this period?

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Post-Gupta Period:

Que. Large number of land grants in hitherto non-arable tracts invariably meant expansion of agriculture in early medieval India. How did the management of hydraulic resources (different types of irrigation works) facilitate expansion of agriculture in this period? [UPSC CSE-2021]


The early medieval period in India witnessed a significant expansion of agriculture, largely driven by the allocation of land grants in previously non-arable tracts. However, the success of cultivating these lands depended heavily on the efficient management of hydraulic resources. Various types of irrigation works, such as canals, tanks, wells, and check dams, played a crucial role in harnessing water sources and facilitating agricultural expansion during this period. This essay will explore how the management of hydraulic resources facilitated the expansion of agriculture in early medieval India.

Management of different types of irrigation works facilitated expansion of agriculture:

(1) Land Grants and Agricultural Expansion: The distribution of land grants in non-arable tracts provided individuals and communities with the opportunity and incentive to cultivate previously uncultivated lands. Rulers allocated these grants to reward loyal subjects, promote economic growth, and consolidate political power. The cultivation of these lands led to increased agricultural production, which contributed to the expansion of agricultural activities across various regions of early medieval India.

(2) Hydraulic Resources and their Importance: Hydraulic resources, including water management systems, played a crucial role in facilitating agricultural expansion during the early medieval period. The efficient management of these resources ensured a consistent water supply for crop cultivation, mitigating the impact of erratic rainfall patterns and supporting agricultural activities year-round. Different types of irrigation works were employed to harness water sources and enhance agricultural productivity in non-arable tracts.

(3) Canals: Canals were constructed to divert water from rivers and streams to agricultural fields, facilitating irrigation over large areas. These man-made channels enabled settlers to utilize water resources efficiently, leading to increased agricultural productivity and the cultivation of previously barren lands. For example, the construction of canals by the Chola dynasty in Tamil Nadu played a pivotal role in supporting extensive agriculture in the region.

(4) Tanks (Eris): Tanks, also known as eris, were artificial reservoirs constructed to store rainwater during the monsoon season. These reservoirs provided a supplemental water source for irrigation during dry periods, ensuring continuous water availability for crop cultivation. The strategic placement of tanks in various regions of early medieval India contributed to the expansion of agriculture by supporting irrigation in areas with unreliable rainfall patterns.

(5) Wells and Stepwells: Wells and stepwells provided access to groundwater in regions with limited surface water sources. These structures served as reliable water sources for irrigation throughout the year, supporting agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions. The construction of wells and stepwells exemplified the ingenuity and resourcefulness of early medieval Indian societies in harnessing water resources for agricultural development.

(6) Check Dams and Bunds: Check dams and bunds were constructed to regulate water flow in rivers and streams, preventing soil erosion and managing floodwaters. These structures enhanced soil fertility and retained water within agricultural landscapes, supporting cultivation in flood-prone areas. The utilization of check dams and bunds in hydraulic resource management contributed to the expansion of agriculture by creating conducive conditions for crop cultivation in diverse geographical regions.

(7) Technological Advancements and Community Participation: Technological advancements in hydraulic engineering facilitated the construction and maintenance of irrigation works, enabling settlers to harness water resources effectively. Additionally, community participation played a significant role in the management of hydraulic resources, with local communities actively involved in maintaining irrigation systems and ensuring equitable distribution of water among farmers.

(8) Socio-economic Impact: The management of hydraulic resources had far-reaching socio-economic implications, contributing to the overall prosperity and development of early medieval Indian society. Increased agricultural productivity supported population growth, urbanization, and trade networks, fostering economic growth and social stability. The expansion of agriculture facilitated by irrigation works created employment opportunities, stimulated economic activity, and enhanced the overall quality of life for individuals and communities across different regions of early medieval India.


The management of hydraulic resources through different types of irrigation works played a crucial role in facilitating the expansion of agriculture during the early medieval period in India. Canals, tanks, wells, and check dams enabled settlers to harness water resources efficiently, leading to increased agricultural productivity and the cultivation of previously non-arable tracts. This integrated approach to hydraulic resource management not only bolstered agricultural expansion but also contributed to economic development, social stability, and political consolidation in early medieval India.

Hello friends, I am Rajendra Kumar Mohwiya, a graduate in Bachelor of Arts from Delhi University, specializing in History. '' is an initiative started by me as a guide for students preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination, showcasing a wide range of courses designed to enhance their historical understanding and analytical skills.

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