Que. How would you characterize the nature of the Mauryan state on the basis of Kautilya’s Arthashastra?

Que. How would you characterize the nature of the Mauryan state on the basis of Kautilya’s Arthashastra? प्रश्न: कौटिल्य के अर्थशास्त्र के आधार पर आप मौर्य राज्य के स्वरूप का … Read More

Discuss different interpretations of historians about the nature of Asoka’s ‘Dhamma’. Did his principle of ‘Dhamma-vijaya’ render the Mauryan Empire militaristically weak?

Que. Discuss different interpretations of historians about the nature of Asoka’s ‘Dhamma’. Did his principle of ‘Dhamma-vijaya’ render the Mauryan Empire militaristically weak? [UPSC CSE-2014] Approach: (1) Explain the Asoka’s … Read More

Que. Do you agree with the popular view that Mauryas established a unitary and highly centralized if not monolithic state system?

Que. Do you agree with the popular view that Mauryas established a unitary and highly centralized if not monolithic state system? प्रश्न: क्या आप इस लोक-प्रचलित मत से सहमत हैं … Read More

Que. Explain how Ashoka used religion as a tool of political aggrandizement.

Que. Explain how Ashoka used religion as a tool of political aggrandizement? प्रश्न: व्याख्या कीजिए कि अशोक ने किस प्रकार धर्म का प्रयोग राजनीतिक अभ्युदय के उपकरण के रूप में … Read More

Que. Ashoka’s Dhamma was propagated not just for moral upliftment and social harmony but also for the extension of the state’s authority. Analyse the statement.

History Optional Daily Answer Writing Batch for UPSC CSE 2025

Que. Ashoka’s Dhamma was propagated not just for moral upliftment and social harmony but also for the extension of the state’s authority. Analyse the statement.  अशोक के धम्म का प्रचार-प्रसार … Read More

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History Optional IAS
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