Que. How does geography affect the flow of history? Do you believe in geographic fatalism?

Que. How does geography affect the flow of history? Do you believe in geographic fatalism? प्रश्न: भूगोल इतिहास की धारा को किस प्रकार प्रभावित करता है? क्या आप भौगौलिक नियतिवाद … Read More

Que. “Mesolithic rock cut architecture of India not only reflects the cultural life of the times but also a fine aesthetic sense comparable to modern painting.” Critically evaluate this comment.

Que. “Mesolithic rock cut architecture of India not only reflects the cultural life of the times but also a fine aesthetic sense comparable to modern painting.” Critically evaluate this comment. … Read More

Que. Show the limitation of archaeological materials used in the study of prehistoric and protohistoric periods. What new dimensions did factors like environment and ecosystem add to this study?

Que. Show the limitation of archaeological materials used in the study of prehistoric and protohistoric periods. What new dimensions did factors like environment and ecosystem add to this study?  प्रश्न: … Read More

Que. Pre-historic rock art while showing an aesthetic sense throws light on contemporary socio-cultural practices. Elaborate.

Que. Pre-historic rock art while showing an aesthetic sense throws light on contemporary socio-cultural practices. Elaborate.  प्रश्न: प्रागैतिहासिक शैल कला सौंदर्यबोध को दर्शाते हुए समकालीन सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक प्रथाओं पर प्रकाश डालती … Read More

Que. Examine various theories related to the transition of humanity from hunters/food gatherers to agrarian community.

Que. Examine various theories related to the transition of humanity from hunters/food gatherers to agrarian community.  प्रश्न: शिकारियों/खाद्य संग्रहकर्ताओं से कृषि समुदाय तक मानवता के संक्रमण से संबंधित विभिन्न सिद्धांतों … Read More

Que. In the absence of a written script Chalcolithic pottery gives us a fascinating insight into the culture and lifestyles of the people of those times. Comment critically.

Que. In the absence of a written script Chalcolithic pottery gives us a fascinating insight into the culture and lifestyles of the people of those times. Comment critically.  प्रश्न: लिखित … Read More

Que. Delineate and account for the regional characteristics of the Neolithic period in India.

Que. Delineate and account for the regional characteristics of the Neolithic period in India.  प्रश्न: भारत में नवपाषाण काल की प्रादेशिक विशिष्टताओं की रूपरेखा प्रस्तुत कीजिए और उनका कारण भी … Read More

Que. The emergence of Non-Harappan Chalcolithic cultures in Central India and the Deccan mark a change not only in the subsistence pattern of people but an overall transition from pre to proto-historic period. Critically analyze.

Que. The emergence of Non-Harappan Chalcolithic cultures in Central India and the Deccan mark a change not only in the subsistence pattern of people but an overall transition from pre … Read More

Que. “The Neolithic Age represents a revolution due to significant changes that took place during this period.” Examine.

Que. “The Neolithic Age represents a revolution due to significant changes that took place during this period.” Examine. प्रश्न: “नवपाषाण युग में हुए महत्त्वपूर्ण परिवर्तनों के कारण यह युग एक … Read More

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