“The changes in the field of art from the Kushana period to early medieval period are mere reflection of changing outlook.” Comment.

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Post-Mauryan Period:

Que. “The changes in the field of art from the Kushana period to early medieval period are mere reflection of changing outlook.” Comment. [UPSC CSE-2016]


(1) Introduction: Explain the development of art during Kushana period.

(2) Mention the different school of art during Kushana period.

(3) Explain the given statement.

(4) Conclude on balanced footing.


The Kushana period, which spanned from approximately the 1st century BCE to the 3rd century CE in the Indian subcontinent, was a crucial phase in the development of art and culture. This period witnessed a fusion of various artistic influences, resulting in distinctive Kushana art. Here are some key aspects of the development of art during the Kushana period:

Gandhara School of Art:

(1) Region: The Gandhara school of art developed in the north-west region of the subcontinent. Various trade routes connecting the subcontinent with the Mediterranean and China passed through this region.

(2) Influence: In this period, it came under the control of various foreign dynasties like Indo-Greeks, Scythians, Parthians and Kushans. Thus, this school represents an amalgamation of Indian, Greek and West Asian idioms.

(3) Material Used: Most of the Gandhara sculptures are made of stone. In the beginning, blue schist and green phyllite were the main materials used by sculptors. Stucco (lime plaster) began to be used in the 1st century CE, and it had almost completely replaced stone by the 3rd century.

(4) Theme: The main theme is Buddhism. Several sculptures of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas have been found. The Buddha is depicted in both standing and seated poses.

(5) Sculptures and relief panels: Sculptures and relief panels depict scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha as well as Jataka scenes.

Mathura School of Art:

(1) Region of Influence: This school developed around the city of Mathura, an important city on the uttarapatha as well as the second capital of the Kushanas.

(2) Diversity in Sculpture: The images discovered here belong to all the three religions: Buddhism, Brahmanism and Jainism. Besides, there are also a few royal sculptures from Mathura depicting Kushana rulers.

(3) Indigenous: Mathura sculptures share iconographic similarities with those of the northwest, but the style is very different. It is completely indigenous and shows no trace of foreign influence.

(4) Materials Used: These were created using red spotted sandstone, easily available in the nearby Aravalli region.

The statement that “the changes in the field of art from the Kushana period to the early medieval period are a mere reflection of changing outlook” can be seen as an oversimplification of the complex dynamics that influenced art during these periods. 

While it is true that changing outlooks, including religious, political, and cultural shifts, played a significant role in shaping art, it’s important to recognize that the evolution of art is a multifaceted process influenced by various factors. Here are some key considerations:

(1) Changing Outlooks: Changing outlooks did indeed have a profound impact on art during this time. For example, the shift from Buddhism as a dominant religion in the Kushana period to the resurgence of Hinduism and the rise of new sects in the early medieval period influenced the themes and iconography of art.

(2) Religious and Spiritual Influence: Art during the Kushana period often emphasized Buddhist and Gandhara art traditions, reflecting the prominence of Buddhism. In contrast, the early medieval period saw the revival of Hindu art, including the construction of Hindu temples with intricate carvings and sculptures dedicated to various deities.

(3) Political and Patronage Factors: Art was often commissioned and patronized by rulers and elites, and their preferences and political ideologies influenced the direction of artistic production. The Kushanas, for example, patronized art that reflected their imperial authority, while regional dynasties in the early medieval period had different priorities.

(4) Cultural Exchange and Syncretism: Trade and cultural exchange with other regions influenced artistic styles and techniques. The Kushana period, with its connections to Central Asia, saw a fusion of Greek and Indian artistic elements. In contrast, the early medieval period witnessed the syncretism of various regional and indigenous styles.

(5) Economic Factors: Economic prosperity, often linked to trade and patronage, contributed to the development of art. The availability of resources and wealth influenced the scale and quality of artistic endeavors.

(6) Technological Advancements: Advances in artistic techniques and materials also played a role in the evolution of art. Innovations in sculpting, painting, and architectural engineering allowed artists to push the boundaries of their craft.

(7) Regional and Local Identity: The early medieval period saw the emergence of regional and local identities, which influenced the development of unique artistic traditions. Different regions developed their own distinctive styles and iconography.


While changing outlooks were indeed a crucial factor in shaping the evolution of art from the Kushana period to the early medieval period in the Indian subcontinent, it’s important to recognize that art is a multidimensional medium influenced by a combination of religious, political, cultural, economic, and technological factors. These factors interacted in complex ways, resulting in a rich tapestry of artistic expression during these periods. Therefore, characterizing these changes as a mere reflection of changing outlooks may oversimplify the intricate dynamics that shaped art in ancient India.

Hello friends, I am Rajendra Kumar Mohwiya, a graduate in Bachelor of Arts from Delhi University, specializing in History. 'www.historyoptional.in' is an initiative started by me as a guide for students preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination, showcasing a wide range of courses designed to enhance their historical understanding and analytical skills.

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