The flourishing international trade during the Kushana period gave tremendous impetus to the development of art. Discuss.

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Post-Mauryan Period:

Que. The flourishing international trade during the Kushana period gave tremendous impetus to the development of art. Discuss. [UPSC CSE-2019]


(1) Explain the background of the development of trade during the Kushana period.

(2) Explain how trade led to the tremendous impetus to the development of art.

(3) Mention several other factors that played crucial roles in the development of art during Kushana periods in history.

(4) Conclude on balanced footing.


Kushans or Kuei-Shang were one of the five Great Yueh-chi (tribes) principalities. In the 1st century CE, Kujula Kadphises (Kadphises I) brought together these five principalities and founded the Kushan Empire. The Kushans movement in India can be traced back to the first century CE during Kadphises I time. Kushanas are considered to be one of the five branches of the Yuezhi tribe who lived in the Chinese frontier or central Asia. They are known as Guishuang in Chinese sources. They eventually acquired dominance over the other Yuezhi tribes. They moved eastward towards India defeating the Parthians and the Sakas in the 1st century AD.

The flourishing international trade during the Kushana period indeed provided a significant impetus to the development of art in ancient India. This period, which spanned from the 1st century BCE to the 3rd century CE, was characterized by extensive trade networks and interactions with various foreign cultures. Here are several ways in which international trade influenced the development of art during the Kushana period:

Tremendous Impetus to the Development of Art:

(1) Gandhara Art: New traditions and conventions were incorporated into the mainstream of Indian sculpture. Mainly found around taxila and Kabul valley (called Gandhara at that time). Influence of Greco-Roman art due to connections through sea-route with Egypt (use of monsoons for sailing). Creation of the actual representation of the Buddha himself. A halo placed behind his head – indicates sanctity (Greek practice). Incidents/Events of Buddha’s own lifetime rather than Jataka stories (frequently occur in Bharhut stupa).

(2) Subject matter: Buddhist but techniques and skills were drawn from Greek art. It carved naturalness, showed mastery of human anatomy, facial expression, and ease in portraying different angles in profile, had consideration for perspective and exhibited great concern for accurate detail.

(3) Coinage (Art of coin making): Influence on both techniques as well as themes. Kushans directly imitated Roman gold coinage. Motifs include Greek and Roman Gods on Coins. Satavahana coins have ships on their coins showing the influence of maritime trade.

(4) Ceramic art: A remarkable type of Pottery found at Arikamedu (near Pondicherry) called Rouletted Ware. The Patterns (bands of dots, decorative lines, closely put cross-lines, etc.) of the ware appear to have originated in the Mediterranean world. Imitations of Amphorae jars and Terra-sigillata wares have been found.

(5) Influence on Jewellery: Evidence of gold-work comes from Tilla-tape in North Afghanistan where over 20,000 gold objects dating to the first century AD were found. Signs of hellenistic skill are clearly visible though art of local craftsmen was still of a modest quality.

(6) International Trade: Increased Economic prosperity impetus to art. eg – beginning of rock cut architecture. 

(7) Material Wealth: Trade brought substantial wealth to the Kushana Empire, allowing rulers and elites to become patrons of the arts. They commissioned sculptures, reliefs, and other artistic projects, which flourished due to the financial support.

Certainly, besides international trade, several other factors played crucial roles in the development of art during Kushana periods in history. These factors include:

(1) Religious Patronage: Religious factors were paramount in Kushana art. Kushana rulers, such as Kanishka, were significant patrons of Buddhism. This led to the creation of Buddhist art, including stupas, monasteries, and Buddha sculptures. Other rulers and regions within the empire also patronized Hinduism and Zoroastrianism, resulting in diverse religious art.

(2) Cultural Syncretism: The Kushana Empire’s location at the crossroads of various cultures, including Greek, Indian, Central Asian, and Persian, promoted cultural syncretism. This fusion of diverse cultural elements influenced artistic styles, iconography, and motifs.

(3) Royal Patronage: Kushana rulers and nobility actively patronized art and architecture. The construction of grand monuments, statues, and coins featuring royal portraits served as both symbols of power and contributions to artistic development.

(4) Technological Advancements: Technological advancements in craftsmanship and sculpture techniques contributed to the sophistication of Kushana art. Sculptors developed expertise in carving stone, casting metal, and creating intricate relief work.

(5) Social Structure: The social structure of Kushana society influenced artistic subjects. Depictions of the royal court, everyday life, and various social strata can be found in Kushana art, offering insights into the societal hierarchy and values.

(6) Economic Prosperity: Economic prosperity, driven by trade and agricultural productivity, enabled the allocation of resources to artistic endeavors. The availability of wealth and resources supported large-scale construction projects and the creation of art.


The development of art is a complex interplay of numerous factors, including patronage, religion, culture, technology, and historical context. These factors have shaped the evolution of art across different civilizations and time periods, contributing to the rich and diverse world of artistic expression.

Hello friends, I am Rajendra Kumar Mohwiya, a graduate in Bachelor of Arts from Delhi University, specializing in History. '' is an initiative started by me as a guide for students preparing for UPSC Civil Services Examination, showcasing a wide range of courses designed to enhance their historical understanding and analytical skills.

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